I realized this weekend that what needed to happen was not lots more plannings, lists, scheduling... but perhaps a little extra rest, a little creative time for myself, (something that has been neglected the past couple weeks as I felt school time so soon approaching). Long days of play for the girls, with dinner and bedtime a little extra early. And of course enjoying making the house nice and tidy for our new week.
So I feel that we are ready to begin our lessons, but I still don't quite have the time to organize and share my thoughts. Soon though. I hope to share much more here as we go through our year.
And some of you have been offering so much homeschooling inspiration and words of wisdom, thank you thank you thank you!
Now, I really hope you do not mind another set of camping photos. I admit it may be getting to be a little much, I will spare you the remaining 100...
Well wishes to you all as you journey through these coming days!