
On the first day of May we awoke to a bright blue sky. How very nice of the sun to greet us. Especially since within an hour it was snowy and grey...

And sometimes snowy and sunny, all at the same time, typical Colorado spring I suppose. The girls went out to pick dandelion bouquets, at that time the snowflakes falling very gently.

Honestly, they are not as solemn as they appear. It was a happy day. Just kind of quiet feeling.

This little May child of mine, it is her month, she has a birthday coming in just a few weeks.

(The girls are wearing the hooded cloaks that I made them many years ago, not so long and flowing anymore. And for once they are not wearing handmade dresses. Chloe is wearing a vintage Gunne Sax dress I got for her a few months ago, which I love for so many reasons, including the fact that my sister and I had ones that were very similar. Chessa's dress actually may have been handmade, it is vintage too, worn by another little girl so long ago...)
It snowed all night and we woke up to several inches of whiteness.
We hoped, and hoped and hoped, that this was the last snowfall of the season.
Once again the sky was sunny and we felt optimistic.
And then it snowed some more!!!
Surely though this was the end of it. (Please!) Beautiful May, we are so ready for you!!!
Be gone King Winter! We picked lots of dandelions yesterday, too :-)
Renee~ I just love your girls in their cloaks! I had a dress like that as well. Just beautiful!
Dear Renee...Snow, my goodness!!! I think everything's a bit confused right now. Honestly, those cloaks are lovely. Your girls are beautiful, like out of a fairytale. I love that:)
xo Jules
Wow - snow you say?!
I was feeling badly for us with just cold and rain.
I am sending warm spring-y thoughts your way.
Dear Renee, snow on May Day just should not be allowed!!!
The girls look wonderful in their cloaks. Ella has a red cloak I made her when she was 2. It still fits her, though is to her waist! :)
Oh, and often my children look so solemn in pictures- Ollie Winter will end up looking down right angry! I try to tell them to put on their normal happy faces, and then comes an awful grimace (the fake camera smile)!
Oh, gunne sax, I had a gunne sax way back when I was tiny.
The girls are lovely in their cloaks! Is it a mayday tradition for you to wear those?
The cloaks are wonderfully dreamy.
May blessings (which does NOT include snow)...
Sweet little angels so pretty in their hooded cloaks! Ah time to make dandelion wine with all those beautiful flowers. I only have 5 dandelions growing that I started from seed. they don't grow well here.
Leaving on the 30th... nice to rest but so much work to leave behind ...my horses!!! Love ya!xxxx
Beautiful! Do you recall which pattern you may have used for the cloaks? I'm new to sewing but would love to make such a darling cloak for my girl. I kept my two Gunnie Sak dresses for years and then one day (just before I got married) I donated them to Goodwill. Oh, the regrets....
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