Once again from The Simple Woman's Daybook. I would like to try to do this each month through the year. I wrote my answers quickly, first things to come to my mind...
Outside my window... Dark and very snowy. Lots of snow.
I am thinking... About how grateful I am that this has been a month of real winterness.
I am thankful... That we are making it through this winter! And for some extra hopefulness that we have found this past week.
In the kitchen... A really weird stew I made of red lentils, beets, and cabbage. It's good, just weird. And so so red, which is pretty, but also kind of weird. The beets and cabbage we grew ourselves, still eating so much from last years harvest, and that's so so good!
I am wearing... Green linen skirt and maroon plaid top. And that may seem a lot like what I was wearing the last time I wrote a daybook entry, but that time it was a green plaid shirt, not maroon. And that top has long sleeves, but this top has short sleeves. Yes, I love plaid. Probably the majority of all the clothing I ever sew for myself is plaid.
I am creating... Today a few granny squares, and probably some more tonight. During the week some sewing. With pretty pink fairy fabric! I will show you soon...
I am going... to hopefully sew lots more this week. I was missing it. It makes me very happy.
I am wondering... I am dreaming. We are dreaming...
I am reading... Seed catalogs and our garden notes from last season.
I am hoping... it's that dream again...
I am looking forward to... Everything!
I am learning... Trying.
Around the house... Washed the kitchen towels, napkins, cloth sacks, and rags. Folded the kitchen towels, napkins, cloth sacks, and rags. Need to sew more kitchen towels, napkins, cloth sacks...
I am pondering... Not at the moment, but when I finish writing this and sit down with my crochet. Ooh, probably while I crochet I will ponder some future knitting projects.
A favorite quote for today... I suddenly can't focus, crazy kitty cat going wild hunting a stick on the stairs. That's not a quote, that's what distracted me.
One of my favorite things... I have so many favorite things. I wonder what I wrote last time. Family. Love. Forest. Knit. Sew. Granny squares. Books.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Homeschool days. Finish Mesopotamia with Chloe, begin Egypt. Think ahead to the next blocks of geography and botany. Finishing up a second math block with Chessa, the four processes and a squirrel story.
A peek into my day...
A moment of sweetness.
Wishing you lots of sweet and happy moments during this coming week!