Wednesday, July 29, 2009

late night with the girls

Today was our go to town day for the week. But since the yarn shop was having a sale starting at 5 this evening, we didn't go as early as we usually would. Yes, being in town at 5 in the evening is a late night for us! So I'm guessing that the girls are now looking something like this. Older picture, but it's how they often sleep!

We also went to the library. Lots of books to return! Yes, we have a house/building obsession. No, we don't want to live in a yurt. And we don't plan on building a log cabin. The cabin book sure was neat though. And I love that Tassajara Cookbook. Not just because it is full of pictures of beautiful Carmel Valley! Great recipes too. Sadly though they did not have On the Banks of Plum Creek. I guess our Little House journey will have to be postponed.

Can you believe I actually have a bag that holds 21 library books?!!


  1. I just LOVE that picture of the girls sleeping! It's beyond precious! Your library trip brought back memories of when I was a little girl and my dad would take me to the library to get my Little House books, some things (happily) never change :). I hope you'll get On the Banks of Plum Creek soon- it was my favorite of the series!

  2. Hi Marina, I have wonderful memories of going to the library with my dad too!

  3. What a sweet photo of your little ones : )
    And I think it is pretty great your bag fits that many library books!

  4. Hi gardenmama, Thanks for visiting! I had never seen your blog before and your photos are gorgeous!! I will be sure to look around some more.


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