Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Few Summer Thoughts

I figure I may as well post some more garden pictures while I still can. It certainly has been an interesting season. It seems all over the country everyone is having the opposite of their usual summer weather. It has definitely been the hottest mountain summer I can ever remember! In our town it is not unusual for their to be hot summer days with temperatures in the 90's. But we live about 25 miles out of town, and at least 1000 feet higher up, so while it may be 95 in town, hot for us is mid 80's. Not this summer though! Week after week of temperatures in the 90's. It's not so much that I'm complaining, I just don't understand! It is finally cooling down though. Perfects 70's, and of course nights are always cool. Already down in to the low 40's. Enough of a weather update though... how about garden update instead...

We have already harvested (and of course eaten) 3 tomatoes! Impressive for gardening at 7,500 feet, at least we think so. Still waiting on the zucchini though! Very strange I tell you.

Lots of greens of course. For some reason I decided not to plant the rainbow Chard this year. Wanted simple white instead. Kind of regret it though. The rainbow Chard seems much more productive.

Fortunately we had a few volunteers come up where we grew it last year. Next season I will definitely switch back.

You see this giant mullein here? With the big patch of dying daisies behind it? And perhaps you can see that this is an unfinished, unplanted bed. All because I couldn't bear to dig up the "weeds" that were growing there. Next year I suppose I will have to be a little bit more uncaring (just a little bit) and be willing to clear out more of the "wild flowers". I could hardly dig up any Lamb's Quarters either. Too yummy. One of our favorite wild greens.

Other favorite weeds growing in the garden are the yarrow

and the wild sunflowers. We have 100's of these! Not in the garden much, but everywhere else. Even in our gravel driveway. Taller than us and so beautiful!

And of course our little flower beds. Full of cosmos...

a new favorite variety of calendula, so much creaminess and beautiful darker orange around the edges and underneath...

and our lovely hollyhocks. I had to take more pictures of them because I think we are nearing the end of the blossoms for the season.

And those dear sweet deer were back to visit the other morning. They sure are getting big. Look at those antlers!

We have to keep reminding ourselves that it is still summer, despite how fast it feels like it is coming to an end. We were almost planning to have Chloe start lessons at the beginning of September, but then I realized that the girls need to have all the summer days she can! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer too!


  1. I think all of us gardeners have a hard time saying good bye to summer and all of the gifts we find in it! I do love fall but not quite yet : ) our summer weather has certainly been very strange as well the nights have been cooling down and this was the first night tonight that I went around and shut all of the windows it feels cold! I love that you kept a 'weed' patch, weeds are some of my favorite flowers! and the wild sunflowers are really neat! Enjoy your gardens and these end of summer days!

  2. Thank you for your beautiful photographs. I garden at my own home, but also inherited a garden last year from a friend and I use that garden mainly for my vegetables. although it also has lots of shrubs and beautiful flowers. The weather has been wet this week - and so odd jobs in the garden have been put to oneside. I must go today and pick green beans and more tomatoes from the greenhouse.
    Enjoy your garden whilst the weather holds out.

  3. I enjoyed this post so much, Renee. The hollyhocks are especially pretty. Sunflowers are so special-- I don't think I've ever seen them growing wild. Love the photo of the deer.

  4. one of my favorite things about right now is looking at everyones summer garden/harvest photos and seeing the similarities and differeneces. i just took almost the same photo of my kale the other day:)

    and totally true about the growing season and weather...a bit off even here in maine!!

  5. did the rainbow chard come up itself?

  6. Your garden looks great Renee, and I love the dear sweet deer!

  7. Good morning Renee

    I never tire of seeing blooming flowers. What gorgeous surroundings you have. Your Summer has been really hot. Our Winter has also been really cold this year and our fruit trees blossomed quite early too. I have noted climate changes in various parts of the world. I hope you soak in your last wonderful warm weather with your little ones. There is always so much to do outdoors.

    Have a lovely weekend Renee.

    Warm regards

  8. I so enjoy visiting your beautiful blog! Thank you for visiting mine as well and leaving such lovely comments. You know, we haven't had much of a summer here in England. It has been quite cool and wet. I feel like I am still waiting for summer to arrive! Such a varied garden you have. I love yoru calendulas and those deer who visit you. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hello Renee,
    Thank you so much for your wonderful comments that you leave on my blog I really appreciate them :) Your flowers look beautiful, I love Cosmos and Hollyhocks, and to have deer so nearby, how special. Here in South Africa we are definately moving towards Spring, our fruit trees are bursting with buds and blooms and we even have lettuces in our veggie patch.
    Have a lovely weekend Renee...


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