Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Autumn

Wishing you all a wonderful happy autumn season!

(p.s. This is Jason's beautiful chalkboard drawing that greeted Chloe and Chessa on the first day of autumn last year. Which was also our first day of second grade last year. And also Jason's birthday. And tomorrow is our first day of third grade! And also Jason's birthday, again, too, of course..)


  1. so sweet!!! happy early birthday to him!

  2. what a beautiful picture!
    happy birthday to Jason.

  3. Hello Renee

    What a beautiful picture to greet them. I definitley want to walk that road. I hope your Jason is back or will be soon. My Andrew has the same effect on me and our lives. We just love him very much and need him with us constantly. Have a wonderful start to your third grade. Aaron has a few months left and he has had a wonderful year of leaarning.

    Happy day to you and your girls
    Warm regards

  4. What a beautiful picture! I love autumn! Happy Birthday and Happy Third Grade!!!

  5. That is beautiful! Happy Birthday Jason!

  6. such beauty and love in jason's drawing, i love waldorf chalkboard drawings so much. happy autumn to your sweet family : )

  7. That is so beautiful! What a gifted artist.
    Happy Autumn to you, hope that it is a joyful one

  8. Happy birthday to Jason & happy autumn to you all!

  9. What an amazing picture! Happy Autumn!

  10. Happy Autumn!
    Stopping by from Foursquare Schoolhouse to say hello. :)


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