Thursday, October 22, 2009

this past week...

Beautiful autumn days, some with lots of warmth from the sun, others getting very, very cold... reminding us of what is soon to come... I think I need to start mentally preparing, I do not always do well with the cold and snow... but there is certainly lots to look forward to with the upcoming holiday season.

One of our days was spent gathering cattail leaves and enjoying a walk around our small neighborhood lake.

Perhaps the baby ducks from a few months ago, now all grown...

And I am happy to say there has been quite a lot of handwork happening here lately. I missed WIP Wednesday, but next week I should have two completed dolls to show. One is finished, the second is on it's way. And Chloe has been doing a lot of knitting and needle felting. We went to visit Sara a couple days ago and Chloe spent the morning making these gifts to bring for her and Ila. The larger one is Sara with Ila in her arms. Very sweet I think. My girls have so much love for that wonderful farm family.

I have a feeling I will not return here until next week, so I will now wish you all a wonderful weekend filled with lots of autumn happiness!


  1. Thank you for your post. We have been doing lots of needlefelting as well. We have been working on a needle felted heart garland for a birthday celebration. Your daughter's projects are beautiful.

  2. what a lovely week! I love the needle felting! So very sweet! Autumn is my favorite time of year!
    Happy weekend

  3. Such lovely Autumn photos, the needlefelting is beautiful...

  4. Renee, your photos of the golden grasses are so lovely, this is the color most prevalent in our days this Autumn as well! I hear what you are saying about embarking into this new 'darker' season... I do appreciate the lantern walk and winter solstice so very much for bringing us this mindfulness and light. It is very touching to see the work of your girls hands, the love and warmth they have poured into their work is evident! What blessed friends you have! Many warm wishes to your sweet family, I look forward to your return in this space : )

  5. ducks! and the sweetest little gifts.

  6. oh my goodness! chloe is so talented! i love her needle felted beauties. what will you use the cattail leaves for?

  7. Hi Renee,
    Pretty photos of your walk!..and I can't wait to see the dolls! I'm so grateful for the beautiful wooly gifts that Chloe made... they radiate such beauty!!! I hope to see you soon!
    with love from sara

  8. i really love the needle felting! sometimes autumn can be such a hard transition...with all of its darkness. with the time change this weekend which will be seeing the sun set around five or so...then four...yikes. lots of candles:) thank you for your sweet words at my blog. i am truly enjoying yours as well.


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