Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WIP Wednesday ~ Waldorf Dolls!

Here they are, finished and clothed.

It took me a while to get the dresses done. The little pinafore tops are simple, I love to make them. But I always struggle with how to make the dress underneath. I don't want to have to use velcro, and would prefer not to have a really bunched up elastic neck, but it has to somehow fit over their heads and all that hair! After several days I finally came up with a pattern I like.

These dolls are for two little red-headed sisters. The daughters of a friend from high school. They will be on their way to their new home later this week. I hope they they will be very loved!


  1. wow! they are really adorable sisters! the hair colors are gorgeous. the dresses are cute too. what a special package that will be.

  2. yay! i was hoping you were going to post these today. they turned out so beautiful!! i don't really enjoy making doll clothes..too small and fiddly for my inexperienced garment making self, so i am especially impressed with your talents! ;)

  3. Beautiful! Very well done.

    (Lol, the word verification is "redfun"!)

  4. amazing sister. they are going to be so loved.

  5. Beutiful. They came out so well. I don't enjoy making the clothing either and actually bought the clothes after I made our dolls.

  6. These are sooooo sweet! Wow, what an amazing job you did

  7. Beautiful! I'm working up the courage to make a doll for my littlest one. I may start small and just try out making the clothes for the friends we already have. I think it's the hair that worries me the most, yours came out great!

  8. Just wonderful and I am sure they will be so loved. Hope they won't be parted. You have made such a good job and they are just so pretty. Well done!

  9. these are so lovely. i have just finished a soft baby waldorf doll but i really want to make one like you have. maybe this winter craft season! great job! they will be loved:)

  10. Beautiful dolls! What lucky girls! I don't think I ever loved dolls so much as now (as an adult) that I have discovered the Waldorf dolls. They are so full of warmth and handmade love.

  11. Your Waldorf dolls look so soft and cuddley. The red-headed sisters are very lucky!

  12. They are beautiful Renee! You did such a nice job!

  13. Those are beautiful Renee! Lucky girls.

  14. oh just visiting and i love them and their red hair. i remember buying my first red haired waldorf doll for my little redhead, and i knew then that eventually i wanted to try to make one.

    love their sweet dresses! great job.

  15. Renee your two little waldorf babies are gorgeous! You are very talented..

    Have a wonderful weekend
    warm regards

  16. Hi Renee,
    These little ones are just so lovely. You certainly are a very talented, creative mama to create these two whom I am sure will be loved and treasured for a very long time.

  17. They are beautiful Renee!
    You did an incredible job, I can imagine they will be very well loved : )

  18. They are girls would love these!

    Jamie :)
    p.s. thanks for the calming inspirational words yesterday. I like the idea of the sunday stories by candlelight...I'm dreaming about it now.

  19. SO beautiful! And as a mama of a little redhead, I'm so jealous! :)

  20. Those dolls are absolutely gorgeous! I love the red hair!

    Sending gratitude and happy thanksgiving thoughts to you and your family :)

  21. Oh my! What beautiful dolls. I love their hair colour.


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