Wednesday, April 21, 2010

WIP Wednesday (but what is it??)

Some weekend sewing did happen, completed two little projects, and on the left here you can see a peek of another something special I have been working on, I even finished it yesterday after taking this picture. Well, after taking the picture and then sewing it together with one piece backwards, and then taking it apart and sewing it together again, backwards again! taking it apart again... this is my own pattern, something I have made twenty or thirty times, at least I won't make that same mistake again, hopefully...

So what else can I tell you about the project on the left? Nothing, it's a surprise!

All the fabrics I used on these pieces are vintage feedsacks combined with organic cotton. Oh vintage feedsacks, love love love, the prints, the colors, the history! I am so in love. Love love love. Get the picture?

The blues are not a usual color choice for me but I like to do that sometimes, challenge myself to use colors that are different (as in, not pink.) But what is it?? I was thinking of it as something like a tea trivet, a little place to set your teacup perhaps, or a small flower vase, but I do not think trivet is the appropriate word. Coaster? That word is not appealing to me, but maybe that's what it has to be. Not a potholder, cause it has just a thin layer of cotton batting, and a bit small, about 5 inches. Must have a name, cause I had so much fun making it, and want to make lots more...

You can expect me to be sharing more vintage sewing love here soon!


  1. Vintage seed sacks? How neat! I'll have to start looking for these. You are very creative. :)

  2. I love the fabric- I have a weakness for vintage prints myself so I am eager to see what else you make!
    I made a set of 4 pot holders, and every single one I accidentally made one side inside out. . .despite talking myself through it each time and being very sure it wasn't going to happen again. I am still not quite sure how it happened. . .


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