Thursday, December 30, 2010

and just like that...


It sure wasn't looking all that wintery around here.

And then the very next day...

So much snow it's a bit astonishing!

Requires contemplation..

Probably tastes good?

Meant to be played in..

Making us all very happy!

I do hope everyone has been enjoying a wonderful holiday season. Thanks so much for all the sweet birthday wishes and emails! I will be catching up with belated Christmas post soon.

And now we're off into the New Year! Wishing you all a very happy one!!!



  1. Dear Renee...I meant to send you a happy greeting on the 23rd (I'm a 23rd kind of gal, too...August, though!) I hope it was a happy day of rest for you, amidst the holiday cheer. What fun snowy play over there. We love it like this! The deep powdery pillows are so enticing...who can resist a leap or a bound in that beauty?
    xo Jules

  2. How wonderful Renee! Beautiful snow:)
    Wishing you an inspired 2011 my dear friend.
    xo xo Linda

  3. Renee,
    Fantastic snow and so much of it!! Seasons greeting and wishing you a wonderful, blessed new year.

  4. happy New Year. I really like that last photo.

  5. Dear Renee,
    Was it your birthday, did I miss it?!
    I love these photos, the girls remind me of Laura and Mary in Little House in the Big Woods. :)
    Happy New Year to you!

  6. Wow! the snow really came down fast and looks like a blast of fun.
    Happy New Year

  7. We're out in California and missing all this amazing snow, fun to see it through your pictures!

  8. Oh we got hit with it too! So much snow, so much fun. Enjoy my sweet friend.

  9. beautiful pictures! Happy New Year, Renee!

  10. Now THAT is a snowfall! Happy New Year blessings to you and yours.

  11. Happy new Year, Renee! We love snow around here too! It's so magical, isn't it?

  12. Wow Renee, that is a lot of snow, it's beautiful. My husband is sitting next to me showing me some amazing places in Pagosa. Happy New Year, the boys are already in dream land, they were outside playing at 5.30 in the dark. xxx

  13. i want to come play!!! looks like so much fun. i love the contemplative shot. ;) are you on the deck watching everyone in the snow?

    i love you!!

  14. snow! magical snow! yay lucky you! we enjoyed it too! the last photo is wonderful, as are they all! the last one looks like the girls are strolling happily into the new year! : ) sending love xoxo


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