Tuesday, March 1, 2011

~ Yarn Along ~


Happy to be once again joining Ginny for her Yarn Along...

Resisting posting belated valentines photos, since it is finally March, but still want to show you this little red gnome I had made to greet the girls that morning. There was a matching heart too. I had always wanted to make one of these gnomes, pattern from dear Tonya. So cute, I think I will be making more.

This book was sitting out, Chloe must have been reading it. I have several vintage fairy tale books from long before we even had children. This is a collection of Hans Christian Anderson.

Really neat illustrations.

I wonder if Chloe was reading Little Tiny. (Thumbeline.) I remember loving this story when I was a child, but I have written here before about Chloe's sensitivity to certain stories. The last time we read this one together, which was more than a year ago, she burst into tears at the end and threw herself into my lap. Poor thing. She said she never wanted to read it again, but I have recently seen her taking a peek at it.

Another neat vintage book found at the antique shop in town today. It's an early 60's copy in such great condition, and full of enough stories to keep our avid reader occupied for at least a little while.

More wonderful illustrations.

And here are some of those granny squares I mentioned. I have finally started our afghan, so very excited! It's somehow not looking colorful enough at the moment, but I have more colors that I will be adding. I think I have 17 squares done, based on Chessa's counting. (That girl loves to count!) But I made that many squares without weaving in any of my ends, and so on Sunday instead of making more squares I had to sit and weave in all those little ends of yarn. I sure won't be doing that again, I will try to be disciplined enough to weave in my ends as I go!

It is getting late, but I think there may be time for at least one square before bedtime!



  1. Oh I adore Tonya's little gnomes :) They are just the sweetest! What great book finds to :)
    Have fun crocheting!

  2. You seem like a real book collector. I love your choices in all the books:) My 5 year old boy is also so very sensitive. Some books which seem so sweet, he tears up because they move him so! I just posted about that tonight, too. Love your Granny squares...how about that embroidery? I haven't done much lately...perhaps a project should be on the go?
    xo Jules

  3. Those are beautiful vintage books! My little people are also very sensitive to stories. They are so aware of the emotions involved that it can be quite overwhelming for them.
    Love Tonya's gnomes although I've never made one - keep thinking I must give one a go sometime.

  4. I love vintage books and your collection sounds fantastic. I have been wanting to knit one of Tonya's gnomes for awhile now. The gnome look so sweet.

  5. I have my Mothers Book House set. I loved them as a child as did my kids.

  6. they look really nice! and I absolutely love the illustrations in the book! wow!

    - I should make more squares for my crazy square blanket :) , I didn't do any lately and there are some left-over pieces of yarn from my mittens... :)

  7. Wow those books are gorgeous!! And I love your crochet squares. I have a granny square blanket in my own queue, you are inspiring me to bump it up!!

  8. The fairy tale book is the same one I had when I was little (MANY moons ago) and I always loved those illustrations. The Book House series are wonderful ....

    Granny Squares look great.

  9. Your little gnome is so cute Renee:)
    The granny squares are coming along really well too. I know just what you mean about weaving in the ends...
    Thinking of you all, Tonya

  10. Love the granny squares. And I have a real weakness for illustrated books. Those are beautiful!

  11. I love the gnome! I think I'll have to queue those up! I bet they're a great use of scrap yarn!

    O, and I'm drooling over you book. Vintage books like that with those amazing illustrations make me swoon like nothing else. Well, maybe yarn does that to me too. ;)

  12. Oh my gosh--your gnome is perfect!

  13. oh please do post your valentine's pics. then i might not feel so silly when i finally getting around to posting the gifts matt made the children for solstice! ;)

    i am knitting mitered squares for a blanket these days. oh to be side by side....

    love you! xoxoxo

  14. Oh Toyna's little gnomes are so cute, and yours turned out beautifully. What a lovely little creature to greet one on Valentine's Day morning.

    Your collection of books os beautiful. I just love the illustrations.

    And for the millionth time, I so need to learn to crochet.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  15. Love love love the granny squares, they are beautiful and colorful. Can't wait to see it finished - wish I had time to make one. I to made those little gnomes for the boys for Christmas,, aren't they cute and so quick and easy - even Sasha begun to make one but it's still sitting around.
    I could see little Chloe being so sensitive. I to have been particular about what I read to my children, I have only begun to be a bit more daring.

    Was so lovely to hear from you Renee, can't wait to see you all again...soon!

  16. I love vintage books! It's one of the things I love about being in the shop downtown, Three Dog Books was the beginning of the collective and they carry some amazing books.:o)

    I love the gnome too, gnomes from Dragonsflyhollow were among our first waldorfy purchases.

  17. Love the granny squares and the gnome is darling, we have many of them lying around here :)


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