Monday, June 6, 2011

green, thank goodness


It took until June. It took until June for it to feel like spring, and then like summer all at once too. Spring was mostly a mix of cold and snow. Pastures becoming a bit greener each day, but still sometimes becoming covered in snow. Sixteen years of these cold mountain springs, you would think I would be used to the slowness of it by now...

So June sure is feeling wonderful. Outside everyday. Green everywhere.

Or at least almost everywhere. The gambel oak are slowest to bring their leaves, and if you look closely at that hillside above the horses you can see that they are only just beginning to show their greenness, their leaves are still small...

And then there is of course the happiness of beautiful food from farm and garden.

The girls love to create lunches from the garden all summer long. Mustard greens sauteed with onions and chive flowers.

And this salad was pretty interesting... Spinach, chives, green onions, lots of oregano leaves, and grapes.

Chessa took such care while making her own salad.

Because you know, she is not such a little girl anymore.

Yet she is...

Oh my sweetheart.

I am actually still not over the fact that she is 7 years old. She is amazing me with her growing up. Oh, but she is still so my little one.

A little more sweetness. And a little more green. The top Chessa is wearing is part of what I made her for her birthday. So this would be a good time to commit and say that I will post again this week and show you the rest of the handmade birthday gifts. See, now I have said it so I will really finally do it...
(Gosh, let's hope...)



  1. Loving Chessa's shirt <3 Her expressions are so deep and so sweet.

    We too have not experienced spring or summer until last weekend. but it's dropping backdown in the low 60's tomorrow :p

  2. Renee...The greening of Spring is a wonderous thing, indeed. Our oak tree is just beginning to brighten and it is amazing to behold. So is Chessa. What a beauty, and I am curious what she is thinking about. Your yummy garden food looks delicious. We have been eating spring meals aplenty, too. LOVE that!
    xo Jules

  3. We are enjoying our greens too.
    Your girl in green is precious.

  4. Renee, oh yes she is still so little! SO very little! And she's so precious too, my goodness!
    I very much love Chessa's green birthday top, and the fabric looks like something I would choose and then hoard for a very long time! I actually do have some vintage calico in red that I am hoarding. . .

  5. Happy belated birthday to the big (but still little for mama) seven year old! Such a beautiful birthday girl. And that green top is divine!

    How lovely to see the horses grazing in the pasture.


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