Wednesday, June 22, 2011

yarn along, and pinafore pieces, and summer...


Well, I sure have been quiet here lately... So before I get on with anything else I need to wish you all a happy summer solstice! We celebrated with a little picnic, a lot of gardening, and so much appreciating of the sun and warmth that has finally come to us.

It has been a while since I have joined Ginny for her Yarn Along, I am happy to have a little contribution this week. Most of my reading lately has been in preparation for the coming homeschool year. Chloe will be in 5th grade so two of our main lesson subjects will be botany and ancient civilizations. I'm very excited about these Charles Kovacs books, so many homeschool thoughts filling my mind lately...

Also so many knitting thoughts filling my mind lately. I am going to soon be starting on my first sweater, a cardigan for Chloe, to of course be followed by a second one for Chessa. (Who knows though how long this ambitious project will take me!)

So lots of knitting thoughts, no actual knitting. I am missing it. I have been occupying a few spare moments with a little crochet project though. A set of nesting bowls, the largest one having scalloped edges. It reminds me of a flower.

Mostly my yarn basket has sat neglected. I have even set aside my granny squares for a bit, things such as sewing and gardening have taken much of my time lately. The granny squares will patiently wait for slower days to come.

Lots of sewing has been happening though. I wish I could say I was getting as much accomplished before Chloe's birthday as I did before Chessa's. But no, I have not finished one single birthday gift yet! I suddenly decided I wanted to make Chloe a pinafore rather than a dress or a skirt. It is coming along nicely and will hopefully be done very soon.

Happy stitching, happy gardening, happy summer days to all!
(And happy cozy days to my friends beginning their beautiful winter season!)



  1. Renee, So many beginnings here...I love beginnings. I especially look forward to the pinafore! I also am in birthday making mode with littlest fella's first birthday three days before my girl's third. I'm scrambling! I was thinking of you last night while I made dinner and the children were at play outside with Papa. I turned up the music and remembered wonderful, carefree times. Jerry and David doing a little Friend. Love that!
    xo Jules

  2. Hello dear Renee,
    The Charles Covacs books are by far our favourite, I am using them this year for Man and Animal and for Rome and Greece, they are just fantastic. He writes as if he is having a conversation with you. Your crocheted bowls are so beautiful:)
    Take care

  3. truly gorgeous photos!!!! love the myths. we've been heavy into grimms today ! x

  4. And I am having to move into birthday making mode, as Ezri's birthday is coming up in July! And do you know what? I was thinking about knitting some nesting bowls!
    Renee, I can't wait to start the sweater together. :)
    And you have the botany book! Hey, maybe I could borrow it after you're finished. . . ?

  5. such beautiful simplicity renee! I have also been meaning to make some nesting bowls. Yours look wonderful.
    Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful day.

  6. I have been admiring the peasant tops and was wondering if you made your own patterns or could recommend a resource book. I have a very old Singer that is reliable, but does not do zigzag or button holes. I am looking for some new inspiration.....Sarah

  7. I've always been fascinated by Greek Mythology since we did a lesson on it in the 8th grade.

    I hope you daughter enjoys it.

  8. Those little nesting bowls are lovely,, I've been meaning to make some myself. It's so warm now in CO it's really hard to do much knitting - I'm sure the gardening is more enticing. Big girls birthday soon.. I'm sure she will love the Pinafore, it does look pretty. kissesxxx


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