Wednesday, August 8, 2012

in the forest, along the river, by the lake


To celebrate this middle of summer season and the month of august, and just because we really really needed to, we set out last week to one of our favorite nearby lakes. Past the back of the lake, up the river, deeper into the forest.

For a while it rained, it poured, it hailed.  Then it cleared up and we had a few of hours of sunniness by the river.

We stopped at the back of the lake where the river is flowing in (the lake is very very low right now) on our way home so the girls could could have a little extra running around time. Jason and I watched from a distance. I am so happy for all the days like this that they get to have.

Earlier when we were sitting beside the river I said how nice it was that we got to enjoy the sun and the storm too on this day. And then I hoped that maybe we would even have some fog later. And then we did. It was wet, rainy, and grey all the way home. It was all wonderful.

It feels so good to be in this later part of the season. I hope you have all been enjoying beautiful August days too!



  1. Dear Renee...I am so happy to hear you are up and about ~ and hiking, oh my! You must be doing oh so much better :) What a beautiful place you live in, so very much like here in many ways. I love your little filly's running alongside the river ~ Freedom!!! Hugs and belly rubs to you,
    xo Jules

  2. Dear Renee, I was thrilled to see a new post from you!
    My heavens, Chessa is suddenly looking so old- so tall and slender, and my goodness she looks like you!
    You live in a magnificent place! And those paths through the woods, that's my path from my little cabin over to yours. ;)
    I am missing you a whole lot! Let's talk soon, dear! Love, Mel

  3. i am so glad you were up for this adventure!!! love, love, love seeing that place so dear to my heart and those sweet girls that i love so much. thanks for mustering the energy to share. ;) i will call you soon, love. i miss your voice. xoxo rae

  4. Oh look, three of my best friends all in a row!

    Jules, I would not quite call it a hike, more like a little walk, but still so nice to be out.

    Mel, Chessa is as tall at 8 as Chloe was when she was 9! And even Chloe is tall. Oh gosh yes, Chessa is just growing and changing so so much!

    Rachel, I was surprised to see you here! Love you!

  5. I agree that it feels so good to experience the nuance of seasons!
    Wonderful blog!

  6. Followed your link from The Magic Onions...That place is beautiful.

  7. What beautiful pictures, looks like a wonderful place to visit! :)

  8. This is so beautiful Renee. We live in such a gorgeous area, don't we. I have been thinking about you non-stop these last few days, and sending you healing light and love. Enjoy the beginning of your week my friend!

  9. Such a beautiful area! What a wonderful way to spend family time!


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