Sunday, April 28, 2013

little things, and gratitude


This evening, mountain bluebird on a tall dry mullein stalk.

This month.. sunny days, rainy days, snowy days. Yes, I will be grateful for the snowy days too. The forests were misty and grey, all so cozy feeling. It snows here in April, it's just how it is.

My yellow-y gold flowery vintage-y sheet. Not thrifted, it is mine from when I was little. It seems to always find it's way out when we are gathering extra sheets, blankets, towels, etc. for homebirth supplies. Other times it is put away for years. It makes me really happy. Even if it is making my blog look kind of funny cause now half my pics are on this yellow background.

And I love those little toes. And every little sigh, whisper, grunt, and giggle that comes from her. Those sighs. The soft happy nursing baby ones. Oh goodness.

Glad that she finally has a wool bonnet that fits to keep her head warm in the cool forest afternoons.

Forest afternoons.

How golden the pine needles were in the sun. How they crunched under her feet as she ran along. How pink and rosy her cheeks were. How brave she is there. In her forest.

And my eldest. And how she cares for us all.

Oh, and my husband. He is my prince. Our hero.

Friends too.

Chatting and smiling and laughing with Jules until way too late at night. (ha ha, "chatting", is that what it's called?, she is the only person I do that with, and I'm sure we are two of the most untechnological people there are...)

Good emails from good good friends that just happened to come on a day when extra cheer was needed.

And Lisa. I am grateful for her for all kinds of reasons. Including surprise phone calls that always make me smile when I answer. She is really good at these gratitude posts too. I always tell her I'm going to start doing them also. And now I am...

I decided that I wanted to take a little more time to stay in touch with my blog friends, post here, and even maybe read a few other inspiring blogs once in a while. (Those of you who know me more know that I really really really don't like to be at the computer. So by saying spend a little more time doing it, it just means a little more than the not much time at all I spend in general. So I think that could be okay...)

Anyhow, that's how I have ended up visiting Taryn and her sweet family and her neat wooly mossy blog. And she does nice gratitude posts too.

I'm all about niceness and gratitude these days. Well, always I am, of course. We just seem to need extra great doses of it lately, I'll take it wherever I can get it.

Hope you all have lots of nice happy beautiful days this week!



  1. Yay Renee! About everything! Love you!

  2. Oh Mel and Tonya,
    Your are the "good good friends" I spoke of :)

  3. Hi Renee,
    Thanks for joining Gratitude Sunday and for your sweet words. :) Lovely gratitudes.


  4. I wish we all lived closer! I'd love a little blog pow wow!


  5. So many wonderful things to be grateful for.

  6. Lots of fondness to you, Renee. Love those baby feet and woolies.

  7. Dear sweet friend,
    You already know that I was still giggling when I woke up the next morning, humming that song we love. And I have been meaning to join in with Taryn for a little gratitude, so you've inspired me again. I love the doll...just perfectly wonderful. And the quilt is a gem...almost as sweet as the little Being who it was made for.
    So many thanks for you in my life!
    xo Jules


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