Sunday, July 21, 2013

moments and makings and musings


Salsify trampled by the rain.
Hooray! It rained!
And maybe more today. Maybe more tomorrow.
Monsoon season.

Early mornings in the garden.
A new bed made along the side of the greenhouse. Collards transplanted. Swiss chard nestled in amongst volunteer kale and overwintered carrots going to seed. There is still a tray of kale that I think will get transplanted into bare patches in the strawberry bed.

Dolls in various stages. Tucked into a soft wool bed by the girls so they stay cozy. And so there aren't a bunch of doll heads laying around...

Chloe has been doing some spinning on the drop spindle, and Chessa a bit too. And then knitting more cats. This is just how it is with cats I guess, whether real or knitted, it is easy to suddenly end up with too many.
(The girls of course do not consider there to be too many cats...)

I'm embroidering slowly. I'm knitting slowly. I'm getting much done in the garden in the moments I have to step outside.

I'm joining Lisa in a Waldorf planning course over the next 5 weeks or so. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, and laughing a lot, that I am considered a guest speaker. (Joking that I am not going to say a word!) (Sorry Lisa, I will though, I promise.)
I am very grateful for the course and inspiration. Usually at this time of year I am buried in notebooks, calendar pages, lesson notes, story ideas. But I haven't done much of any of that yet this year. How unlike me. I am excited to get started though!

One last thought...
Is there any 9 year old child who would not greatly benefit from time spent pounding nails with a hammer? I think most likely not.



  1. oh renee, the angelic sleeping babe. sigh. she's so sweet.

    love your garden and yes hooray for the rain, it was here too today! but that's really rare for us in the summer. felt tropical and exotic, i loved hearing neighbor children run outside to be in it!

    good luck with your course, you will do great!

  2. Dear Renee...Oh, the rain. Last night's thunder was a tease, but we could use a sprinkle here now, too. I love all the little dollies, and the capable girl hammering away ~ I will show my sweet girl! But that little sleeping pumpkin is just so sweet...and the yarn! Oh, the yarn! You must know how that makes my heart sing...I wonder if the next step is a wheel? And dyeing? I can't wait to hear more! xo Jules

  3. Oh she is just so beautiful Renee - what joy she must bring!
    The yarn your daughter spun is amazing - how it must make you feel to see their skills blossom.
    Thinking of you,

  4. Your pictures are so lovely and peace-filled. I am always so happy to read your news. I have 2 girls ages 4 and 7, and feel inspired by your posts.

  5. I love the drop spindle! It is so rewarding. What a beautiful handmade life you are living.

    Namaste, Nicole

  6. Dear Renee,

    I am touched and moved by the sweet magic in your blog which I have found for the first time. You may be shy but you are gifted at capturing those precious moments of everday life and I congratulate you for that.

    I'm scuttling off to follow you if I may.


  7. Hello mama, yes it's been a while. So little time since we bought the farm but loving it all. We finally got some ponies big ones and little ones. Will post some photos soon. Beautiful Chloe had her 13th birthday. Teenager already, my my how times goes by - my little Chloe has just past 1. The girls and littlest one are too beautiful. I am sure you are enjoying the sunshine and your garden shall be bountiful and yummie. I miss you. When will you come to visit us? Kisses to you all. (we just got 2 little kitties)

  8. Hi Renee.. She's so cute, so adorable. I keep going back and forth admiring your li'l pumpkin..


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