Wednesday, January 15, 2014

recent handwork...


I have taken to using the bookshelf as a knitting shelf. It is working quite well. Knitting bags are every handy too, as they keep balls of yarn safely unwinding within and can be hung out of reach of baby.

My knitting bag was a birthday gift from Chloe. She now has times, often late in the day, when she simply must start on a particular project immediately, and she will then work for many hours to get it done. (Reminds me of my 1am, or 3am!, sewing nights from when I was younger!) (I can't believe I just said, "when I was younger".)

So yes, knitting bags are useful, my mind is now whirring away with thoughts as to what makes a most perfect knitting bag. Chloe included a knitted i-cord strap on mine, which is most definitely perfect and lovely.

More on Chloe's finished sewing list includes a nightgown, a cap (this one, which I think is very becoming on her) a linen pillow for Elsa with her name embroidered on it, and a green corduroy frock/dress (which just happens to resemble a dress I made myself about 20 years ago, and was even cut from the same length of fabric…)

Now if I could just get myself some time at the sewing machine!

(Would probably be easier to do if I would put down my knitting.)

But knitting… Two pairs of pants now for Elsie, and the second pair is plenty, plenty long, hopefully she will be wearing them all year.

And then my other so very special knitting project…

But the sewing!

(And the teeny tiny dolls!!! Not more than 2 or 3 inches tall. Lots of these little people about our home…)

~ Joining friends Ginny and Nicole ~

(p.s. knit pants are picky pants pattern and elizabeth zimmerman baby leggings. and i really should update my ravelry page sometime…)



  1. My Lucie is doing the same… Sewing in her room (she has my old machine) at night, before bed. Little handbags and such… I love the knitted pants. What pattern are you using? Your Elsa looks just like the baby in the picture book! Such a sweetie! The little dolls are also very cute.

  2. I love peeking at your yarn/book shelf! And we have many of the same books. :)
    My girl also loves projects- her favorite thing to make lately is doll clothes. :)

  3. Hi Renee,
    I love seeing your bookshelf and your little one and the little dolls - makes me happy seeing little bits of your home.
    Love, Tonya

  4. These pants are adorable! And so are the tiny people! We have lots of them too, they are the most important ingredient of all the little play worlds my daughter loves to build on the floor. And what a wonderful knitting place :-) Lena

  5. Sarah, I like to imagine all the happy sewing going on with your girls.
    I added pattern notes at the end of the post, and really i do intend to get these things onto my ravelry page.

    Melanie, I almost told you about that book when we were talking the other day, remember you asked what books she had, and also you had already mentioned Eloise Wilkin before. This is Elsie's favorite page page in her favorite book.

    Lena, Sounds like lots of happy tiny people goodness in your home!

    Tonya, Love to you and your little and not so little ones… XO

  6. The pants look great. Happy knitting!


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