Tuesday, February 18, 2014

moments from midwinter weeks...


Wide open doors in the middle of February. There was one recent week were it snowed for days in a row, yet melted so quickly that it never left more than a few inches on the ground. Only thin patches of crusty white in the shadiest places. Yesterday was nearly 60 degrees!

We had ourselves a little craft project for valentines day. Did you know that I am not at all crafty? Nope. Just handwork-y. My instincts always have me putting all paper into recycling. If it wasn't for Melanie  I probably would have never given my girls such freedom with paper and scissors during their childhood (thank you Mel) (but oh, all those scraps!)
But I sure did feel clever for this crafty little idea of mine. I do realize that cutting out hearts is nothing original, but I like our seed catalog take on it…

I love this second photo, our adorable little Elsie. I have no idea when the photo was taken or what was going on. (Please just ignore the dirty corner with the dog water bowl and cinnamon (don't ask) sprinkled all over the wall.) She seems to be enjoying herself though.

She also enjoys pulling the blankets up and tuck herself in under the covers. Unless it is actually really bedtime, then half asleep she adamantly kicks them all off.

And now we are weaving. Somehow weaving is something we have never gotten around too (I wove a few small pouches many years ago before having children, but not since then…)
Especially in the autumns I always think we will perhaps begin with some weaving (there are lots of nice mother earth weaving autumn type nature stories) but never has it happened.
And sometimes I have felt bad about that (hmm, not something worth worrying over though) and wondered why.
But now I know why…
Because my 13 year old daughter needed a new handwork activity to inspire her.
She has been stitching with needle and thread since she was kindergarden age, knitting since 1st grade, recently she has been sewing her own clothes on the sewing machine. But she is not always "in the mood" to do those things lately. Often she is, but sometimes she is seeking something different. And so now we have weaving. Hooray. And I feel just right about having waited all these years…



  1. Oh I love so much about this post; the vintage hearts, the aprons, your beautiful girls, and all that you are doing here. Enjoy these mid-winter days Renee.

  2. What a lovely collection of photos, Renee. I love them all, and that Elsa is so sweet. I love the age she is as her wee little person becomes larger than life. Weaving. We are also in a hurry to finish up some knitting projects to begin weaving, too. And I agree, autumn is a wonderful time to weave...but maybe any transition from one season to the next is good, too. And lastly, I learned something new today because I did not ever once think you weren't crafty. I'm surprised! You seem so creative and crafty with little beeswax critters and felted magic, let alone the sewing and knitting. Funny how we perceive ourselves sometimes :) Lots of love to you and your family,
    xo Jules

  3. This post made me smile! Your girls are darling...each of them so sweet!

  4. Everything looks so lovely and warm! I'm feeling all done in by this winter lately, but you are making me feel like there are good things ahead; warmth and bare feet and babies!

  5. Well dear Jules, If you mean "crafty" in the way that your "little nest" is, then yes, I guess I am that kind of crafty. But see, I was putting all those fabric and wooly things into the handwork category, and the beeswax animals and such are all the girls, which leaves me with nothing but paper hearts, and not crafty ;)

  6. love the heart strands! they are so happy :)


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