First though I need to say Happy New Season to all! I hope your recent days have been full of Spring warmth and and cheer (or good autumn coziness...)
Our last days of winter were very snowy, but the sun shone bright on the equinox and we then returned to the unseasonably warm March weather we have been having. Spring here doesn't necessarily mean sun, warmth, and new growth. (Though we still feel it our hearts...) More often it means mud and brown, cold winds, and still plenty of possibilities for snowstorms. We are finally able to spend more time outside, but still embrace the inside time, because we know that soon the busyness of spring planting and garden work will be filling our days.
Most of my handwork time lately has been focused on sewing. These girls of mine seem to have grown nearly a foot in the past year (okay, maybe only half of that) and are definitely in need of some new spring/summer clothing. And I could use a new farm skirt myself...

Before beginning on the family sewing I wanted to add a couple things to my etsy shop, something I have been trying to get done for months.

I made this fairy apron dress and a fairy skirt. Chessa does not really like that she has to wear the pretty dress for pictures but then does not get to keep it. She tolerates it though. And she does have her own fairy apron, so...

I really love to sew. I love making clothing for my family. I love making clothing for children. I do not love the trying to take good enough photographs, writing descriptions, sizing, pricing, computer work, etc. that it takes to get things into the etsy shop. And so I do not really know where I am going to go with that.
But I have been thinking that I would like to have a small giveaway. Cause you are all really great, and I would like to share something with you.

You may choose any of the smaller items listed in
my shop, and please choose a second option too just in case...
(you may choose anything except for clothing)
Please leave a comment with your choices and I will choose a winner next Sunday.
(Of course I was forgetting how tricky/difficult blogger is with comments so if you have been unable to leave a comment you can also email me and I will be sure to include your entry.)
Sewing is fun, but now I think it's time for some evening knitting...