
Knitting, reading, and playing along with
Ginny and her Yarn Along...
Thinking that maybe this winter I will have time to knit for hours of the day, that sounds very nice. But for now it's mostly just little bits at a time. Sometimes I will try to do nothing but knit and sew for days, (besides the baking, cooking, kitchen stuff), but that can only last for so long, especially during the summer, with garden chores sometimes taking hours of the day.
And then there is all the homeschool planning, which is of course a very happy thing. I always seem to begin thinking about the year ahead in mid-spring, as we finish one year and look ahead towards the next. I then become very consumed with the task of researching and planning out the coming year. Lately I am often thinking about the amazingness of the fact that I now have a 5th grader and a 1st grader, and this will be our first year of all three of us having school days together. Oh my.
(It does make me kind of sad that I didn't write much about our fourth grade year. I would really like to do some homeschool posts soon and keep up with it better throughout the year. After all, it is one of my favorite topics, and I could go on and on...)
So, what I'm reading... lots of homeschool stuff, everything 5th grade Waldorf, old lesson plans from first grade with Chloe, need to decide Chessa's year of main lessons...
I am also reading Rhythms of Learning, selected lectures by Rudolph Steiner. I had been wishing to read this book for so many years and was happy to see it on the shelf at Sara's one day recently. She is very wonderful for having homeschool books to share, I'm lucky like that.
Reading Steiner on educating our children makes me totally inspired to do my best as we continue this Waldorf homeschool journey.
My children totally inspire me to do that too.

Oh yeah, I also have a few random piles of books around the house pictures...
The girls each have their own copy of Tasha Tudor's A Time to Keep, a gift from my sister one year. We consider our books to belong to all of us a family, but with this special book it seemed like it would be nice for them to each have a copy to have in their own homes someday.

Books move around often in our home. These vintage books on top are fairly delicate so I brought them upstairs recently, they sit on the shelf in the hallway now.

We have inadvertently created this little nook for Jason, next to the chair where he sits and reads, we have been keeping his library books there, along with a few others. Also the globe he had when he was little kid.

Now back to knitting, the best for last. Because now she is seven, and in 1st grade, and as she has many times said, it is time for her to learn how to "needle knit".
So I sat next to her on the couch, between the two of them actually, and I taught her how to cast on, and with every stitch added she exclaimed so happily that there was one more. And then she knit her first rows.

And then we all sat there together with our knitting projects.. cardigan, scarf for dad knit by Chloe, and doll blanket knit by Chessa. Such knitting happiness!